Sunday, February 24, 2013

MiniCast 2: Friday Night at the Movies - Snitch/Dark Skies

Hey folks, our next MiniCast is up and ready for your ears! This past Friday, the three of us went to see Snitch and Dark Skies on opening night. Check out the MiniCast to hear our thoughts on the films, and if they are worth your time and money.

Check out the episode here:

Or use the link to the right.

Let us know what you think on Facebook, via email, or by messaging us through the contact page on our Podcast Archive.

Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy the podcast!

Franc, Pol and Dre

Thursday, February 21, 2013

First MiniCast Episode! Entitled, France

Hey there fans and loyal listeners!

Check out our first MiniCast, entitled France. You can listen/download the episode on the Podcast Archive.

Just in case, the link is:

Hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoyed recording!

- Franc

P.S. Here are the showtimes:

Friday, February 22nd @ Worldgate 9 Theater in Herndon, VA

Snitch: 5:10pm
Dark Skies: 9:50pm

And yes, if you join us and are the first to call out our names, you will win the prize mentioned in the MiniCast! Hope to see you there!

Monday, February 18, 2013

An Epic Ending

Let me start off by saying three words...We Want More! Seriously, if the game developers are reading this post. My hat, my kidney (only need one to live, its a fact) goes to you. Dead Space 3 is amazing. Yes, I was scared. Yes, I had nightmares. Yes, I screamed. But if that doesn't give you the excitement to finish a level and try to find out what's ahead than it just shouldn't be created.

This game just engulfs you in, spits you out and begs you for more. Gaming wise three key items you will need; A) alot of ammo, B) alot of med kits and finally C) a very powerful gun. Just upgrade everything about it. Because you will need, oh yes you will.You think you safe in a 3 x 3 closet. No, its a lie things just come out of nowhere and you stomp, shoot, and stomp some more. Like I said before the stomping never gets old. You will also need some hot/ice packs for your left pointer finger. You will need that flashlight, you will use that flashlight and you will thank that oh bright flashlight.

Most games that have came out since 2012 have had two discs, right? One for multiplayer and one for updates and/or campaign, whoopie. Well Dead Space 3 does come with two discs, but it is ALL campaign. The story line is ridiculous, challenging and fun. At one point I just wanted to find things to shoot because it was so much fun. But with two campaign discs you will spend more than ten hours of game play.

But back to the game play, its not a button smasher game. Like Dante's Inferno or a fast paced third person shooter like Gears of War. Dead Space 3 urges you to take your time. You want to take things slow when approaching corners and long hallways. Within the game their will be puzzles, codes that will take time to solve; if you've played Batman: Arkham Asylum or Arkham city you know what I'm talking about. But that just adds more to excitement. To compare its being in those Nicholas Cage National Treasure movies where, you are given clues and you have to solve them to solve the riddle. Within the game you can always change out your gun or customize it. If you find enough spare parts you can buy a gun, but it will take time.

The story line picks off right from Dead Space 2. If you haven't played Dead Space or Dead Space 2 don't worry the game developers will bring you up to speed. If you are worried about not reaching the checkpoint(s). You can save at any point you wish and start from there when you load your game.As Pol mentioned the world the game developers created is just fantastic and the game does give you a sense of awareness of "being out there".

If you wear a headset, don't. You just hear things you wish you hadn't heard. The "creatures" move around in the game and pop out of nowhere. Also, don't adjust the brightness of the game it will ruin most of the "surprises" that the game offers and lay await.

I haven't yet played the co-op campaign. But I can say and be assured that if co-op is the same as single player campaign than it will be epic.For my review, I give this game a 9 out 10. Its exciting, challenging, interacting and you just don't get bored of playing it. The best part is that their is more smashing.

So, gamers let PausedReviews know what you like and dislike about Dead Space 3. You can email us at, like us on Facebook at PausedReviews or send us some tweets on twitter.

Either way PausedReviews and myself appreciate you for reading and following along.

Thanks for reading.


"the perks of being a wallflower" - A brief review

"the perks of being a wallflower" scores high despite some
minor let-downs
Hey there all in internet land. Franc here with another film review. Today's victim, "the perks of being a wallflower". Directed and written by Stephen Chbosky, and starring Logan Lerman, Emma Watson and Ezra Miller.

First, let me begin by saying that overall, it was a pretty decent film. If Paul Bettany were to have been offered a role in this movie, he would have turned it down. That is because Paul Bettany only makes doo-doo brown movies, and this one, is pretty good.

I decided that I wanted to read the book this week, before watching the film. I found this to be both a blessing and a curse. It was a blessing because I had already developed an understanding of the characters and seeing them brought to life in the film was awesome. I think the casting for this movie was the best part. Lerman killed it in the lead as Charlie, and honestly, I felt every other role was equally well cast.

The story line itself is also brilliantly developed. This is a story, that on many levels, all of us can relate to. Maybe not some of the darker notes, but I think this movie (but especially the book) do an incredible job of depicting what high school life was like, and what it felt like to be a part of it.

However, here comes my rant, here is what I did find disappointing. Why, why, why do movies insist on making so many changes from the book. Now, let me explain. I'm not talking about removing or changing a major arc that you simply don't have time to delve into within the constraints of 120 minutes. I'm talking about minor arcs and minor details. I was so excited to see this movie after reading the book, because the author of the book, wrote and directed the film.

As I turned the last page (digitally that is, on my Kindle, I don't actually turn "paper pages" anymore, since I'm not a caveman) of the book, I set it down and walked to the mirror and said,

"Chocolate Bear, this is it, your big day. Finally, you will have read a book, then watched the movie of said book, and it will be exactly the same story. No changes, no surprises, none of that nonsense. Because, finally, an author of a simple novel, with easy to depict characters, and a series of plot lines that can easily be told within a 2 - 2.5 hour feature, has decided to write and direct the movie themselves. A man standing on his own two feet, a slave to none, and master of his own creative destiny. Brace yourself sweet Mocha Cub, brace yourself for glory."

I had no idea at that time, that I was a bold-faced liar. Why you ask? Because the same nonsensical adjustments, tweaks and outright changes exist in this movie as they do in every other novel adaptation that proceeded it. And I imagine it will be the same for all time. This was particularly frustrating considering that the movie ran just over 1.5 hours. Plenty of time to add in a wee bit of story to keep it more consistent. Very disappointing Chbosky...very disappointing.

Is it the worst book to film rendering I've ever seen, no, not by a long shot. If you are a huge fan of the book, do not be turned off from watching the movie. It's amazing how well they captured the characters, and you'll love watching the people you loved in your mind come to life before your eyes on screen.

They also did a more than fair job, telling the story on screen. Just be prepared for some differences. Differences that for some may seem negligible, but to me where huge moments in the book. Moments I found to be beautifully written, and was more than upset that they were omitted from the film. But, that's just me.

So, now to my final rating. On the Paul Bettany scale, where 10 is the highest and Paul Bettany is an extra value meal that you order with no pickles and no mayo, then drive all the way home, park, walk up 6 flights of stairs, sit down in front of the TV, open your burger to find no pickles and 8 pounds of mayo (in short, a disappointment), "the perks of being a wallflower" gets a 7.5.

This one is 100% worth the watch, and for fans of the book, despite the annoying changes, it's even worth the buy. The Bluray has some pretty cool featurettes that you will enjoy.

Thanks for reading, and remember to shoot us a message on Facebook, or via email with any and all of your thoughts on this, or any other reviews.

Let us know what you're watching, we are always looking for recommendations and would love to share your ideas on the next podcast!

- Franc

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This One's for the Ladies...(fan request!)

Several of our lovely lady fans wrote in this week, asking:

"Franc, I love your post on movies my man should pick for us to watch. I found it to not only be spot on accurate, but also flawlessly, and incredibly written. Only someone incredibly well-spoken, blindingly brilliant, and with the heart and soul of the world's greatest composers, poets, and lovers, could write something so elloquently.

My only wish, nay, my life's one desire, would be that you would do a follow up post on some movie ideas that I could use to wow my, when compared to you, sub par companion this Valentine's day!"

Well, very real, and not at all imaginary or exaggerated women, wish granted!

Please remember, this is not meant to be a list of the greatest man/action movies of all time. Rather, it is a list of 5 films that I believe are great examples of movies he will love, that also have some sort of romantic element (afterall it is Valentine's), and that you ladies will not mind having to sit through.

Like before I'll also give you a "Talking Point" to wow your man. However, I'll keep them simple, as they are geared for men afterall.

So without further adieu, here's the list, counting down to the #1 must watch Man-entine's movie!

#5 Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Directed by Steven Spielberg, written by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas, and starring Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, Paul Freeman and John Rhys-Davies.

This is hands down the best of all the Indiana Jones films. Perfect blend of story and action, and even a nice romance thread woven in for you. You won't be overwhelmed by any one element however, and that is what puts this one on the list. Plus, who doesn't love a little 1980's Harrison Ford eye candy?

Talking Point: Simply comment how this film is far better than the other three. Temple of Doom was annoying, and kind of scared you (we like feeling like the protector), Last Crusade was good, but of course it was, it had Sean in it (Sir Sean Connery that is), and Crystal Skull was an embarassment. Then crack open two of his favorite beers, give a little cheers, and nuzzle in close. If you really want to win him over, refresh them in 15 mins.

#4 Casino Royale (2006)
Directed by Martin Campbell, written by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, and starring Daniel Craig, Eva Green, Judi Dench and Mads Mikkelsen.

Probably the best Bond in 20 years. Daniel Craig brings a raw, and gritty humanity to the role, that was unexpected and much appreciated. After decades of the smooth, overly glossly secret agent. We now have a Bond we can truly envision existing in the real world, and maybe, just maybe, even become ourselves.

Couple this with the passionate love brewing between Craig and bond-girl Eva Green, it shows us that even the worlds most epic man, is putty when he finds the one.

Talking Point: I'm going to give you two options for this one, you can decide which will best suit your own "Double O":

Option 1: Part way through the movie, look at your man in the eyes and say, "You know baby, when I first laid eyes on you, I could see you had a strong 'Bond-vibe' going on. It's definitely what drew me to you. Confident, strong, a little dangerous, but somehow, made me feel safe, that's when I knew I was yours."

Make sure you hit him with the sexy Eva in the movie, you'll understand.

Option 2: When Craig walks out of the ocean all ripped to pieces in his man-kini, turn to your man and say, "You know baby, I get that he's all ripped and what-not, but honestly, that can't be comfortable at all for Snuggle-Fest 2k12. I much prefer a strong, yet soft man I can nuzzle."

Make sure to put the emphasis on the "strong" bit, and what the hell, a little of the afore mentioned sexy eyes can't hurt.

#3 Unforgiven (1992)

Directed by Clint Eastwood, written by David Webb Peoples, and starring Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman and Gene Hackman.
This movie is incredible, and could easily be on any list of the greatest movies of all time. A few words of warning. This one is a true western, not a ton of action, but a lot of story, perfectly told, and incredibly delivered. Personally, I think Eastwood gives his greatest performance in this movie, and delivers some of his most memorable lines.
Also, the romance arc in this one isn't as prominent as in some of the others. However, the idea of an outlaw, changed for ever by his one true love, and devoting himself to her memory for the rest of his life, what could be more romantic than that? Certainly better than anything Hugh Grant ever did.

Talking Point: This was only the third western to ever win a Best Picture Oscar. With that in mind, make your man his favorite snack, settle in close, and just sit back and enjoy the show. If he's a true western fan, you simply wanting to share this one with him, is all you'll need to say.


#2 V for Vendetta (2005)
Directed by James McTeigue, written by Andy and Lana Wachowski, and starring Hugo Weaving, Natalie Portman, Rupert Graves and Stephen Fry.

Don't let the fact that this is a "comic book movie" turn you off. It's not your average comic. Sure, you get some elements of incredible strength, reflexes and fighting ability. But you also get a story originally written by the great Alan Moore. With an interesting look at society, and a world fighting for survival, this movie will not only entertain him, but I think you'll be surprised and how intriguing you find it as well.

Pay extra close attention to Weaving's incredible acting. He wears a mask the entire film, yet he manages to emote so perfectly. By the end you'll swear the mask has been changing faces the whole time. For an old, retired school mascot like me, it's pretty impressive.
Talking Point: This one's pretty easy, part way through the movie, turn to him and say, "You know baby, if Natalie ever gave you a shot, I'd totally let it slide". He's already wondering about it, and feeling really guilty to be sure. So relieve the guilt so he can enjoy the rest of the evening with you.
Few key things to remember though. Make sure to sound sincere, and almost as if it's just one of the guys talking. This is key, as a statement like this can often be a set up to a vicious trap. If you don't pull this off perfectly, you could put him on his toes for a few days. Use this one with care.

#1 Braveheart (1995)

Directed by Mel Gibson, written by Randall Wallace, and starring Mel Gibson, Sophie Marceau, Patrick McGoohan and Brendan Gleeson.
Honestly, I'm sure every man has seen this a thousand times, and every woman has been forced to watch it at least 3 times. If you haven't seen this one, you should be ashamed.
For me, this was an easy pick, incredible action, amazing, true story, and what a romance. Married in secret to protect her honor, in love with her since childhood, and when she's taken, he's driven into a mad blood lust of revenge. Perfect.
Fun fact, the line, "Every man dies, not every man truly lives", was actually written by William Wallace. However, it was William Ross Wallace, the 19th century American Poet. No need to mention it to him, just a fun tidbit for you.
Talking Point: For this one, it's easy. Durning the scene where they are talking about some men being longer than others. Turn to him, and give him a little wink. We like thinking we're special, and different from all the others. We're idiots really.

So, there you have it, my top 5 Man-entine's Movies. Send us a message and let us know which one you went with, and how impressed your valentine was. Reach us at Facebook, or by email at I'd love to share your success story on our next podcast!
I'll leave you now with my Man-entine's Netflix Instant pick, and our list of honorable mentions.

Netflix Pick:
Top Gun

Honorable Mentions:
Last of the Mohicans

Thanks for reading, and good luck!
- Franc

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dead Space Play Through!

Don't be on the business end of this.

Ok guys,

I've played a few hours...I'm going to try my absolute best not to have any spoilers.

So I pre-ordered the game and got the pre-order SMG I believe.  That's a fun little gun to use.

But what I can say so far about this game, is that it is addicting, and tense.  Every time you turn a corner, you're wondering..." something gonna jump out at me again..."  It's fantastic.

I've been tinkering with the weapon forging, but the demo definitely spoiled you with parts.  In the demo I was able to make pure epic-ness. Right now i'm just trying to save as many pieces as I can so that by the end of the game I can make a gun that i'm going to call "The Widow Maker."

So far the story is progressing very nicely, the challenges aren't too bad (i'm only playing on normal right now so that I can go through the game quickly) and the shooting is precise. I love being able to blast limbs off these things as they try to rush me. Although I do have to run back from time to time, because they can close REAL fast on you.  But if you take your time and don't run in Rambo style you'll be able to enjoy the winning that is this game.

But guys if you are also playing the game let me know what you think about it so far.  If you've made any cool weapons definitely post the specs of the gun and how you made it!

I will keep updating my progress on here, but i'm also working on playing through XCOM. So expect a post about that very very soon!

Keep on decapitating!!!


Movie New Release Tuesday! 2/12/13

Hey all,

Sorry this week's new release post is a bit late. Been a hectic weekend, but none the less, here they are!

I absolutely loved Skyfall, and in my eyes, it is a must buy! I will be adding this one to my "library" tomorrow for sure.

The Sessions is definitely a must see (check out my blog post about it here). I wouldn't go so far as to say it's a must own, but definitely check it out if you haven't already. Worth the buck at Redbox for sure, even the $5.99 to grab it on demand, or on XBox Video.

I am super excited to watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Robot & Frank. Both looked very interesting in their respective trailers. I'll try to check these out this week and let you know what I thought.

The others didn't really strike me as anything I would necessarily rush to watch, let alone buy, but if you have any thoughts on them, I'd love to hear it.

Some other random releases tomorrow include:
• Bully
• The Kid with a Bike
• Dangerous Liaisons
• Rise of the Zombies
• Smiley
• Gossip Girl: The Complete 6th and Final Season
• Matlock: Season 8
• Nurse Jackie: Season 4
• Storage Wars 4
• Weeds: Season 8

Well there you have it. Hope you enjoy this week's releases, and make sure to email us or message us on Facebook and let us know what you're watching!

Til then.


Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Perfect Movies for a Romantic Valentine's at Home

Well gentlemen, in case you forgot, Valentine's Day is just around the corner. We here at Paused! know it can be difficult to make the right choice, when your significant other turns to you and says,

"No baby, you pick the movie, I trust you!"

So, I thought I'd lend a helping hand, and give you my top 5 romance movies of all time. I'll also throw in a small "talking point" for you. Nothing too fancy, so your special someone doesn't catch on right away, that there is no way you could possibly know that. Just enough to let them know you pay attention during these movies, and maybe, help your Valentine's be just as memorable!

So without further adieu, here's the list, counting down to the #1 must watch romance film!

#5 Love Actually (2003)

Directed and written by Richard Curtis, and starring literally every British actor alive, this is one movie you just can't go wrong with. It ranks low on this list, simply because to me it feels more like a Christmas movie, than a Valentine's one. However, the fact that it made it on this list despite this fact, should speak volumes for the film. 

Very well casted, well written, heart-warming and funny, this is one that even you can enjoy.

Talking Point: This one was tough, cause it's a bit all over the place, but here is a fun fact you can toss out there. All four leads from another great romance film, Sense and Sensibility are at least present in this movie as well. Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, and Alan Rickman star in both films. The other lead for S&S is Kate Winslet. While she doesn't star in this film, she is shown in a clip of Titanic in the scene where Liam Neeson is watching the movie with his step-son.

#4 Notting Hill (1999)

Directed by Roger Mitchell, written by Richard Curtis (writer/director of Love Actually), and starring Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, and Rhys Ifans. I know, I know, back to back Hugh Grant movies. I dare you to find 5 romance movies where at least two don't star Hugh Grant...I dare you!

I just recently re-watched this one with the Mrs. and was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed it. A true romantic movie, with great laughs. However, unlike most "rom-coms", the laughs don't over power the brilliant story line. 

I truly believe both Roberts and Grant are at their best in this one, and again, I bet you'll be surprised at how much you enjoy watching it as well.

Talking Point: If your valentine is like mine, and loves Downton Abbey (at least until the end of season 3...I won't say more), keep an eye out for Hugh Bonneville making a surprise appearance. Lord Grantham plays Bernie, one of Grant's close friends in the film (the one that doesn't recognize Roberts as an actress, at the birthday dinner). You can comment on how hilarious it is to see the lord himself, in such an "un-lordy" role. 

#3 Sabrina (1954)

Directed and written by Billy Wilder. Starring Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, and William Holden. This one is just an absolute classic. Personally I think its one of Hepburn's best. Everyone talks about Breakfast at Tiffany's but I thought that one was super overrated. 

Sabrina gives you an amazing story with that classic movie wit. Not to mention, it's in black and white, which just makes it, and you, look a lot classier. Another great thing about this movie, is that it is available on Netflix Instant! Talk about maximum bang for your buck, the #3 movie, totally impress your love, and won't even cost you a dime (well, besides the $8 you already pay for Netflix Instant only).

Talking Point: This one's pretty simple. Say that you think Julia Ormond played the role of Sabrina really well in the 1995 remake with Harrison Ford and Greg Kinnear. However, there is just something perfect and classic about Audrey in the role that just makes this version better. (They love Audrey).

**Bonus Tidbit**
William Holden (who played David) and Audrey Hepburn actually fell in love while filming this movie. Sure, she left him shortly after when she discovered that he couldn't procreate...but this movie makes people fall in love, no need to mention the sterile bit.

#2 When Harry Met Sally... (1989)

Directed by Rob Reiner, written by Nora Ephron, and starring Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, and Bruno Kirby. Ok, all B.S. aside, this movie missed the #1 mark by mere millimeters. Incredible story, one of the greatest actors of our, and our parents generations (Billy Crystal), and one of, if not the best written film in cinema history!

If you hate this movie, there is something crazy wrong with you. This is a one-of-a-kind movie, where the entire thing is driven by character development and perfect dialogue. It's so much fun to watch, even if it's just to appreciate the brilliant writing. 

Talking Point: Here is a super cool bit of information. The stories the old folks tell of how they met, are real! The original idea was to have the real people actually tell the stories in the film, however, they kept getting off topic. So Reiner recorded the stories, and had actors re-tell them. 

**Bonus Tidbit**
Score some extra points with this valentine's idea. Seeing as how the stories are real. After the movie, tell your loved one that fact, then hand them a handwritten letter with the story of how you both met, how you felt, and how you knew they were the one, all from your point-of-view.'re welcome!

#1 Pride and Prejudice (2005)

Directed by Joe Wright, screenplay by Deborah Moggach, and starring Keira Knightley, Matthew McFayden, Rosamund Pike and Donald Sutherland.

Not going to lie, this movie is perfect. It is honestly on my top 5 list of greatest movies of all time (and not just on the list, it's #2). The film is beautifully shot in some of the most incredible locations in the U.K., and the screenplay is perfectly adapted from Austen's book.

Lastly, and I know this will catch many of you P&P fans off guard and perhaps even fill you with rage. Matthew McFayden is the greatest Fitzwilliam Darcy that ever lived! Yes, even better than Collin Firth. Just watch the movie, and you'll see. I mean, the scene where he's walking through the mist, honestly, I would've let him take me right then and there...and yes, my wife knows this.

Talking Point: Honestly, you don't need one. The movie will do all the talking for you. When this is over, if she's not all over you, then there is something wrong with you, and you should end it before she does. 

However, just in case, here is one fun fact. At the beginning of the movie, Elizabeth is shown reading a novel. The title on the cover is, "First Impressions", which was the original title of Austen's novel before she changed it to "Pride and Prejudice".

So, there you have it, my top 5 romantic movies for Valentine's Day. Send us a message and let us know which one you went with, and how impressed your valentine was. I'll leave you now with one more great Netflix Instant pick, and our list of honorable mentions, just in case none of these work (though that won't be a problem).

Netflix Pick:
Outsourced: (2006) Directed by John Jeffcoat and starring Josh Hamilton and Ayesha Dharker.

Honorable Mentions:
Sleepless in Seattle
Phantom of the Opera (starring Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum)
Under the Tuscan Sun 

Thanks for reading, and keep an eye out for our first mini-cast coming at you soon! (shorter than our monthly 1hr show and focuses on just one topic).

- Franc

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Paused! Podcast, Episode's official!

Hey all,
The day has finally arrived! Check out our very first podcast episode on Great Anthologies. You can listen to, or download, the episode at our archive site by either clicking on the link in the right-hand column, "Podcast Archive".

Or by following this link,

Get back to us, and let us know what you think! You can comment here, Facebook, or by the new messaging feature in the Podcast site, on the "Contact" page.

Thanks all, hope you like it!


Post-Podcast Goodies

In the podcast, we promised you a link, and posed a question. Here they are for you.

1. Here is the link to the Batman trailer fans saw in 1988, to warm them up to the film, 
and it's cast:

2. Dre posed a question at the end of the episode, here it is:

Who would win in a fight, Master Chief or Batman?

Send us your answers, we'd love to share them in our next podcast!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Dead Space 3 Releases Tomorrow! 2/5/13

Just a quick reminder readers, that Dead Space 3 releases tomorrow! Make sure you get out there and grab your copy. The boys and I already have ours reserved, and you better believe we'll be stomping our way through the game this week.

Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it!

Happy gaming!


Movie New Release Tuesday! 2/5/13

Hey there readers,

So, here are this week's new releases on DVD/Bluray. I'm sorry, but I haven't seen any of the films coming out this week, so I can't really speak to any of them. However, I will be happy to provide you with's rating. So here you go:

Flight - 7.4
Deadfall - 6.3
Here Comes the Boom - 6.4
Alex Cross - 4.8
So Undercover - 4.1
Celeste and Jesse Forever - 6.5

A few other random new releases tomorrow are:

A Late Quartet
You May Not Kiss the Bride
The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure
Toys in the Attic
Cougar Town: The Complete Third Season

I personally was pretty curious about Flight, Deadfall, and Here Comes the Boom. I'll try to give these a watch this week, and let you know which ones may be worth seeing, buying, or should be aggressively avoided.

I'm boycotting Alex Cross, because, like any self-respecting fan of the movies, there is only one Alex Cross, and his name is Morgan Freeman. I just don't see Tyler Perry doing the role justice. However, based on the previews, I must say that Matthew Fox (Lost) seems to be totally believable as the villian, but I guess I'll never know.

I also very recently saw a trailer for Celeste and Jesse Forever and I must say, it too intrigued me, however, not sure I'll get to that one this week.

Anyways, let me know if you have seen any of these, and which you might recommend I watch. You can shoot us a message on our Facebook page, or comment here. You can also always email us at

Thanks for reading!
