Friday, March 22, 2013

MiniCast 3: Remakes, Up and Ready!

Hey there listeners!

Our third MiniCast is posted and ready to satisfy your auditory needs! This month's MiniCast ran a bit long, but look at it this way, you basically get a bonus full episode!

Listen here:

Remember to send us your answers to our questions:

Which of your favorite, classic movies would you like to see remade?

Who would you want to see star in it?

We'll read our favorites on next month's podcast episode. The names of everyone who responds, will be entered into our prize raffle. We'll draw a name at the end of the episode, and that lucky listener, gets a prize from your friends here at Paused!

You have to submit, to win, so send us your responses to our email, or message us on Facebook or through the Podcast Archive.

Thanks for listening, and enjoy the episode!

- Franc, Pol and Dre

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Food for Thought: Where Have All the Writers Gone?

Hello my friends of the interwebs,

So there I was, doing a little research for our next MiniCast, looking up movie info and such. Then, all of a sudden, I saw it. I went through your classic signs of loss and mourning, sadness, anger, denial, then anger again, that slowly, yet steadily built to a fiery rage. As I stared at my screen I asked myself, "how can this be?", "who is responsible for this?" and of course a simple, "why...why" as a single tear fell down my cheek.

What, you ask, could be the cause of such masculine and primal emotions? By all means see for yourselves. I give you the films releasing in the year 2013:

• G.I. Joe: Retaliation
• Scary Movie 5
• Iron Man 3
• Star Trek Into Darkness
• Fast & The Furious 6
• The Hangover Part III
• Monsters University
• Kick-Ass 2
• Despicable Me 2
• Grown Ups 2
• The Wolverine
• The Smurfs 2
• Red 2
• 300: Rise of an Empire
• Percy Jackson: Sea Monsters
• Insidious Chapter 2
• Riddick
• Machete Kills
• Thor: The Dark World
• Sin City: A Dame to Kill For
• Paranormal Activity V
• The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
• The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
• Anchorman 2
• Carrie
• The Lone Ranger
• Man of Steel
• The Great Gatsby
• Great Expectations
• Evil Dead
• Robocop

Can you see the pattern? Literally every movie releasing this year is either a sequel, or a remake. Now I agree, there are a handful on this list that even I am excited about. I am not trying to imply that remakes or even sequels are, generally speaking, evil. However, to have so many in a calendar year is simply unacceptable.

If we think about it, who is really to blame? The studios, the apparently absent and unoriginal writers, Andreas Music? Surprisingly enough, none of the above. After mulling this around in my mind grapes for a while I realized, it was me. I was to blame. I am the one who year in and year out not only stands for more sequels and remakes, but pays to see them, and my dear friends, I am ashamed. So I stand before you now, and proudly say,

"Hello, my name is Franc, and I am a sequelholic!"

Join me wont you? Don't just sit there quietly while the studios cash their checks, laughing all the way, because they just made bank feeding you yet another Scary Movie when we all know those haven't been remotely entertaining since the first. I mean, how did we get 5 of these?

Again, I don't want to preach against sequels or remakes as a whole. I mean, if we had given up on Rocky after the producers crapped Mr. T out into our cereal, we would never have gotten to see Rocky IV. Without sequels, The Dark Knight trilogy never happens, and I die sad and enraged that a truly epic Batman franchise never saw the light of day. Without remakes, we are all robbed of such gems as Let Me In, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Dredd, and Star Trek. 

All I ask, is let's not just lemming our way into the theater because some studio flashes a familiar face we once loved on the screen. Yes, I loved Gladiator and it made gajillions of dollars when it came out. But should we soil it's memory with some retelling or forced remake? The answer is no.

So this summer, go see the ones you truly want to see, because you can't live without it. Leave the rest be. Let's show these studios that we wont follow blindly, but instead force them to entertain us with new stories, new characters and new ideas. Let's bring originality back to the silver screen, cause from where I'm sitting, it's not looking so silver anymore, it's looking a solid French-Canadian bronze at best.

Monday, March 11, 2013

End Game - Final Battlefield 3 DLC

I Ride on Two Wheels, Do You?

Battlefield 3 is coming out with their final DLC, "End Game" on March 12, 2013. If, and only if you are a Premium member. For those who are not don't worry its still going to come out two weeks later for you. No biggie ( you just made a grave mistake not being a Premium Member...shame on you)

Anyways, "End Game" will bring 4 new maps to Battlefield 3. That brings the total to approximately 10 playable maps. The download will also allow you to use two new vehicles, the motorcycle and a mobile anti-air humvee. Plus you will have two new types of game modes. 1) Capture the flag and 2) Air Superiority, which is just air-to-air combat; no other vehicles, just airplanes. Finally, you will also get to earn new dog tags and camo for your soldier.

Unfortunately, you only get one new weapon. Don't want to ruin it. So you are just going to have to play "End Game" when it comes out March 12 (or two weeks later, if you're not awesome).

Let me know what you think. My gamertag is GERMAN328, on the xbox360, message me if you want to play.

As always, email us and check us out on Facebook.

See you on the battlefield.


New Release Tuesday! 3/12/13

New Release Tuesday is back on the blog!

We are so sorry that our posts have fallen by the wayside, however, we are here to assure you that they are back, and better than ever! Starting first, with new releases this week.

Tomorrow is actually a fairly big day for DVD/Blu-Ray, with big blockbuster heavy hitters like Life of Pi, Hitchcock, and Rise of the Guardians.

While I haven't seen any of these titles yet, I know my wife has been hounding me to watch Life of Pi with her, so we'll be sitting down to watch that one in the next day or two. It's being billed as the next Avatar and is apparently supposed to be pretty amazing, and visually stunning. I'll have to do a blog review of this one for you guys after I watch it this week. So look out for that.

Next is Hitchcock. Again, while I haven't seen it, it is my understanding that this movie focuses on the relationship between Alfred Hitchcock and his wife, during the making of Psycho. Apparently she had a pretty important role in how the film was written and visualized. I'll probably rent this one and check it out before committing to the purchase, as I've heard mixed reviews. However, anything with Helen Mirren and Anthony Hopkins, you know it's just got to be good.

Rounding out the top releases this week are Rise of the Guardians and Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Apart. The first, is the latest release from Dreamworks. A nice family film, just in time for Easter. Finally, the Cirque movie. I'm actually secretly excited for this one. I went to see Cirque live several years ago, and I was in total awe. I'm curious to see how it translates to the screen. While I am sure it can not even come close to comparing to the live events, amazing is amazing, so we'll see.

Finally, as always, I leave you with the complete list of all the other titles releasing this week. Thanks for reading, and be sure to email us, or shoot us a message on Facebook letting us know if you've seen any of these flicks and what your thoughts were, we'd love to share them on our podcasts!

- Franc

Other Releases for 3/12/13

• Smashed
• Sound City
• This Must be the Place
• Kumare
• You've Been Trumped
• The First Time
• Grave Encounters 2
• In Their Skin
• Storage 24
• Law & Order: Criminal Intent: The Final Year
• The Mob Doctor: The Complete Series

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Heart of the Swarm!!

We are 5 short days away people from the release of the game that will change history as we know it.

Am I going a little bit too far in saying that?


Looks like Los Angeles is already hit by the Zerg!!!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Episode 2 has arrived!

Hello all!

Yes it's true, the day has come. Our second, full episode is up and ready for your eager ear holes!

This month we dive into our top 5 horror movies of all time, and we wrap up Dead Space 3. Oh, and as always, The Wrap Up, where we discuss listener suggestions and upcoming events and releases.

You can get to our Podcast Archive here, or by using the link to the right.

Thank you all for listening, and keep an eye out for some great blog posts coming up this month, as well as more MiniCasts!

Stay tuned.

Franc, Pol and Dre