Thursday, May 2, 2013

Silver Linings gets the Silver best

This movie is the definition of over-hyped. Let's just open with that. I was so excited to watch this movie, and honestly, I blame myself. I should've known better. The only movie to ever be this hyped, and live up to it, was The Dark Knight, and this is clearly not The Dark Knight.

As Pol would say, "give me the dessert first", so I'll start with the one, redeeming quality of this film, great acting. Everyone in this movie did an amazing job. Especially Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro. De Niro's role in this film was the one thing that was undersold. De Niro plays Cooper's father in the film who suffers from severe OCD with a dash of Bipolar. His character in the film has gone undiagnosed his whole life, and he plays it beautifully. You totally believe this man was high functioning enough that no one would have picked up on it, but at home, where he's totally himself, his mental issues are clear as day. So well done, and De Niro in a way you've never seen him before.

Jennifer Lawrence deserved every bit of that Oscar for her role as Tiffany, Pat's (Cooper) counterpart/love interest. She plays crazy like she wrote the book on crazy. Unlike her fellow female Oscar winner, Anne Hathaway, Lawrence truly deserved the win. Hathaway essentially won for being in Les Mis for 4 minutes and singing one great song. I'm pretty sure Adele had already taken home that award for her song, Skyfall. Lawrence on the other hand steals the screen for 2 hours and hits you on every level.

Finally, Bradley Cooper, also does an incredible job in this film. Like De Niro, he plays a character you've never seen him play before, and he sells it beautifully. He has a few moments that are just laugh out loud funny, and his dynamic with his "friend" played by Chris Tucker, really leaves you wishing that was a larger part of the film. Cooper really shows you his range in this one, and makes you believe in life after hangovers.

With that said, on to the not so good. While this movie was incredibly acted, literally everyone in the movie played the same role. It is 2 hours of watching 8-10 people in various rooms, being off their balls bonkers. It's funny at first, but very soon becomes tiresome, and annoying. The story never takes you very far, it's all very predictable, and as great as the characters can be at times, I never found myself relating to, or really feeling invested in any of them.

The movie also just seemed to drag on. Mainly because every scene was identical to the last. Personally, I found this film to be a disappointment, primarily due to how much everyone built it up. I'm not sure if XBox Video has a different cut of the film, but we must not have been watching the same movie.

I give this move a 6.25 on the Paul Bettany Scale, and every bit of that is thanks to De Niro and Lawrence. Personally, I would not have recommended this movie to anyone. By the end it leaves you feeling let down, and a bit crazy. Kind of like Requiem for a Dream did, except without the desire to jump off a bridge.

I say, don't waste your time on this one, do some pushups instead and watch a plant grow for 2 hours.

Let us know what you think, if you agree or disagree. We'd love to hear your thoughts. As always you can comment here, email us at, or message us on Facebook or Twitter.

Thanks for reading!

- Franc

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