Monday, February 11, 2013

Dead Space Play Through!

Don't be on the business end of this.

Ok guys,

I've played a few hours...I'm going to try my absolute best not to have any spoilers.

So I pre-ordered the game and got the pre-order SMG I believe.  That's a fun little gun to use.

But what I can say so far about this game, is that it is addicting, and tense.  Every time you turn a corner, you're wondering..." something gonna jump out at me again..."  It's fantastic.

I've been tinkering with the weapon forging, but the demo definitely spoiled you with parts.  In the demo I was able to make pure epic-ness. Right now i'm just trying to save as many pieces as I can so that by the end of the game I can make a gun that i'm going to call "The Widow Maker."

So far the story is progressing very nicely, the challenges aren't too bad (i'm only playing on normal right now so that I can go through the game quickly) and the shooting is precise. I love being able to blast limbs off these things as they try to rush me. Although I do have to run back from time to time, because they can close REAL fast on you.  But if you take your time and don't run in Rambo style you'll be able to enjoy the winning that is this game.

But guys if you are also playing the game let me know what you think about it so far.  If you've made any cool weapons definitely post the specs of the gun and how you made it!

I will keep updating my progress on here, but i'm also working on playing through XCOM. So expect a post about that very very soon!

Keep on decapitating!!!


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