Monday, April 8, 2013

Is this the end, or the beginning? Xbox reveal date pushed back to May.

Check out the article from Metro here

Xbox announces that they are pushing back the big reveal of their next gen console to May 21, 2013. This is nearly a full month later than the original reveal date originally slated for later this month. They haven't given a reason for this delay, and frankly, I don't really care. What I do care about however, is some of the rumored changes coming down the pipe for the Microsoft answer to Sony's call.

First, it has been said that the new console will not be backwards compatible with the Xbox 360. Wait...what?! This is a huge let down if it turns out to be the case. Being able to trade in the older model, and still be able to play your favorite titles on the next gen has always been a huge selling point for Microsoft in the war against PlayStation. I can only imagine they will give the same reasoning as Sony did, that the tech will be far more advanced in the new gen, so it cannot play the old tech games.

This is absurd to me. I am a graphic designer by trade. You're telling me that Adobe Systems can figure out a way to release new, and more advanced design software every few years, that I can still use to open and manipulate files created in older versions, but I can't play 360 games on the next Box? You're saying that I can buy a Bluray player, and still watch DVD's on it in upscaled quality, but I can't play Halo 4 on the next Box?

This reasoning didn't sell me when Sony pitched it a few weeks ago, and it certainly won't fly with you Microsoft! Their answer to this problem is that they are releasing a $99 version of the 360 so you can use it to continue to play your favorite games. Hahahahaha. I have seen some insane ideas when it comes to milking people out of every drop of cash, I mean, I do live in the age of Apple. But really? Can you imagine if Apple said that "the iPhone 5 isn't going to be compatible with iTunes, but don't worry, we'll be releasing a $99 iPod that you can use to listen to all your music." Even they aren't this ridiculous. You better get it together Microsoft, and fast!

If all this wasn't enough, this whole rumored "Always On, Always Connected" design for the new console has also raised the price tag up to a nice round $500. But again, don't worry, they'll still be releasing a $300 model, as long as you fork over the cash for a subscription. Honestly, I don't know what's going on over there in Xbox land, but I don't like it. I understand that this is simply falling in line with the mark that the PlayStation 4 has already set. But since when does that make it ok? Xbox, you always stood apart, why stop now. I'd love for you to get rid of the whole Xbox Live subscription, but why does that have to raise the cost? It didn't for Sony. And yes, by all means, up the tech and make the new games look incredible, but why does that mean I can't play old games?

We are the nation that put a man on the moon, that defeated evil in not one, but two World Wars, we told England to taste it and owned the then greatest military power with squirrel guns and sticks, and you are telling me, that we can do all this, but I have to play games on 2 different consoles? And to do that I have to shell out $500 bones for the new and another $100 for the old? What war did we loose America?

I have been a loyal Xbox man since the first gen console met Halo, please, show me what my loyalty has bought me, don't screw us now.

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