Tuesday, April 30, 2013

So Many Changes...So Little Time...

Hey all,
I just wanted to send out a quick post to let you all know the status of all the changes that are happening with us here at Paused!

So now that the big move is finally complete, you'll begin to see things that we have in the works, coming to fruition, to help make the blog and the podcasts easier to access, and more enjoyable. So, without further adieu, here is what you can look forward to in the months to come.

1. Shorter Episodes
We will be transitioning to shorter episodes, starting with this Wednesday's podcast. Essentially, we will no longer have a 1 hour "full episode". Instead, all of our episodes will be "MiniCast" length, roughly 20 - 25 minutes. We hope this will result in better quality shows, that will also be easier to listen to on the go. We know that not everyone has time to sit and listen to a show for an hour, so you've spoken, we've listened.

2. New Website
We will be working hard over the next few months to totally revamp our site. We will go with a lighter look so that reading our blog posts is easy and eye friendly. We will also be adding in images, contest news, videos, and more to make the site more engaging and entertaining, since after all, entertainment is what we are all about!

3. Consolidation
It can be a huge pain to have to go to a million sites to follow your favoritest movie/game reviewers. So, we will be combining the blog and the site (including the Podcast Archive) to one all-inclusive, easy to navigate website! This is one of our top priorities, so we hope to launch this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

4. iTunes
As we have mentioned before, we are working towards being hosted on iTunes shortly. With the new changes to the site and everything else, this will be put on hold for just a few more weeks. Once we get the sites consolidated, we will then continue with getting us up on iTunes. Then, you'll be able to subscribe easily so all our latest episodes will download automatically into your library for easy and seamless transfer onto all your mobile devices!

All of this is really exciting for us here and Paused! and we hope you're excited too. Our goal is to provide you with news and reviews of movies and games, however, it is first and foremost to entertain you, our fans! You are why we do this, so please don't ever hesitate to shoot us an email, or a message, or a carrier lion, letting us know how we can better do that. We are all ears!

Thanks for listening, and we will of course keep you posted on our progress, and let you know as things happen.

- Franc

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